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Residential Deck Restoration Clean woodwork is the best home accessory.

Nothing ages a home more than grimy woodwork, so one of the most beneficial things you can do to protect your investment is to pressure wash and seal your deck. Wood and water are a nasty combination that produces mold very quickly, which can even become a slipping hazard.

Our Deck Restoration ServicesRenew Your Home’s Best Accessory

Spruce: Services & Solutions | Greenville, SC, Asheville, NC, Columbia, SC, Charleston, SC | Residential Deck Restoration

Our pressure washing procedure is done the professional way, with low pressure and proper chemicals. We don’t use bleach or oxalic acids in our cleaning compounds because they are dangerous to the surrounding landscape and they can cause a breakdown of the wood fibers in your deck or fence, leading to a premature replacement. After the cleaning of the deck or fence, we recommend staining and/or sealing it to maximize its life and appearance.

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